Sunday, May 4, 2008

Fav Pic of MY LIFE!

Since my photo of a member of the corporate world sunbathing topless in a pair of khakis on his lunch break heralded such little response I was prepared to give up on Fav Pic of the Week all together. But as I was throwing in the towel, 1/2 off Saturday at Goodwill renewed my faith in the awesomely bad. Someone must have atoned for their heinous collection of furs by donating them to Goodwill and thus subjecting them upon the less fortunate. Thank you.

This is me wallowing in the decadence of a fuzzy cardigan with an animal(and Jewels) hot glued to it. I am not sure if it was the luxurious feel of the fabric, the mutated paws dangling on my left lapel, the glass eyes that peered into my soul, or the immediate allergic reaction, but I knew I had to make it mine. Luckily it was half off Saturday so I got it for a mere (or should I say mear cat) $4.49.


Paige said...

That is truly the best ever. What a find. Can't wait to see you in that baby in the heat of august.

The Keslers said...

I think that creature was hot glued on that beautiful cardi alive, because you can still see its fear in its eyes. And I think you've outdown yourselves with this pic - it cannot be topped. You have now joined the ranks of Cruella Deville.

Steve and Shell said...

it should go nicely with your fox purse.

Ashley said...

You know how I feel about it - fan-freakin'-tastic! PLEASE wear it to the party on Saturday night. I think Josh would totally love it if you wore it in his honor.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think you should wear it Saturday because you know that wherever Josh is, there is also a dog that has been trained to hunt, chase, attack and tear apart any smaller, unsuspecting creature. Might be interesting to see if said dog would choke on the foxy jewels!!

Minharos said...

I love it. I want to see pictures every time you wear it. Perhaps you should think about attending the Opera now that you have the wardrobe.

Adrianne said...

who is anonymous and why do I love them so?? Fur becomes you, I think you should never leave the house in anything else.

Tammy said...

Is that a head? Monica and I are reviewing blogs and could not believe our eyes! love it

Mike and Alecia said...

I don't care what Mike says. You guys are defintely my number one especially with this fabulous coat. I just might have to borrow it for an extremely special occation. I love your blog you two crack me up!!

Julie said...

Man I wish you had that at the good ol' CTFA!

s.s. bazodi said...

I'm with shell-face...Im on the hunt to find you fox-head boots to go with that coat and purse.

Lindsey and Brett said...

Finally proof that love at first sight does exist! Also, I'm glad that someone else enjoys Veronica Mars as much as I do. I just re-watched season 1, but I left season 2 and 3 in Monterey like a fool!

Daydreaming, tree hugging human named lindsey said...

man you're somethin else i tell ya.