Continuing on with her already busy month of May, Lindsay remembered to have a birthday. She does this every year on May 25th. This 25th of May also marks her 25th year at it. From what I think I have read, this can be considered quite a milestone as centuries ago some women in some cultures probably didn't always last very many years (via poor healthcare, witchhunts, etc.). I'm very glad that she has broken the mold. Maybe, just maybe '(her) and I are gonna live forever' (like one of my favorite Oasis songs). But until forever comes I just want to celebrate my ladies' day.
Above are pictures from Lindsay's last night on earth as a twenty-four year old. For pictures of Lindsay's first night on earth as a twenty-five year old click here (or don't!!!).
Happy birthday to Lindsay!
happy birthday youngster! Geez, with child, married, and a graduate by 25....kudos to you Ms. Overachiever. You may just want to perfect jello molds now? or perhaps take up bingo?
Happy Bday! You sure do look fabulous for 9 mo. pregnant :)
Happy Bday!! You didn't text me back lady, are you having a baby!?
Happy Birthday you cute pregnant mama! I'm so excited for you guys! You will be the coolest parents ever!
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