Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Before and After

This is Cade. He is picking his nose and enjoying this fountain in the way in which is intended. Soon the fountain will become too enticing for him to enjoy only as a spectator.

I was unable to survey his opinion about his feelings for the fountain after he fell in, but I will assume that he no longer holds it with the same esteem he did just moments before. Thankfully for the fountain, I am sure that Cade will forget all of his hard feelings and could be easily enticed by its offerings once again.
This is Misty. She is enjoying an ice cream treat with her family. In a few moments she will be compelled to demonstrate her strength and cat like agility by challenging Matthew to a foot race. Due to a false start and an unfortunate decision to lead off with her left foot she was unable to make it to the finish line before taking a terrific fall. Unfortunately I do not have a photo of the aftermath, but if you have ever watched a single episode of America's Funniest Home Videos, you get the idea.

seriously folks, it is getting hot out there. So please watch your kids around water.


Paige said...

I thought the next picture would be him PEEING into the fountain. Disappointed. maybe next time.

Jessica said...

Ooh, thanks for the Smart Family photojournalism. I know I can count on you (cause where in the heck is Ashley,anyway??)

Cicily said...

Ty has spun many a tale about this child, I'm so glad to hear that the legend truly does exist.

logan said...

New Blog already...we look forward to yours! Also, we need to hang out