Sunday, July 6, 2008


If my camera were not broken I would be showing you how awesome and American our 4th of July weekend was with snapshots from our bbq filled with sub one, Jenga and potatoe salad. But all I have to show is this picture taken from weeks ago and I think you get the idea.Unfortunately there is also this photo that has a different set of ideas.


Anonymous said...

I'm just going to throw this out there. Where did you guys first learn how to play sub one?

I happen to know the origin of that game, or I should say, the person responsible for its proliferation.

The source may shock you. Stay tuned for more.

-Brett Walker

Brown Sugar said...

please do tell. i want to kiss that person between the eyes for giving me a game that i am so great at.
-- matthew

Anonymous said...

you don't want to kiss them. it was RYAN BEATTY


Anonymous said...

you don't want to kiss them. it was RYAN BEATTY
