Tuesday, November 17, 2009

happy BFF-day

happy birthday to the brown's best bro, ryan. this year he is turning the same age as matthew did in february, amar'e stoudemire did yesterday, Nov 16, and lindsay will in 3 years! this has happened every year since 1982. we are all bonded in this way. we all understand.
thanks amar'e (and you too T.I. i hope prison's been easy on you. miss you).

they say that with age comes wisdom. from time spent around the lower/middle class elderly, it seems that wisdom is all about reminiscing about things from the past that are of mild to medium importance. so here is our chance to reminisce about the past year of ryan's life as seen through our eyes.

we made a movie about Cannibal Corpse, under his direction. it grossed $0.00 in the box office and it won no awards from hollywood or from robert redford's land, but it was still good.

we started an indiefolk band and broke up the same night. he could really sing back then.

we murdered a mystery together.

he got together with amar'e and they compared their physical prowess. they both have great bodies for what they do.

we watched the x-files. this was a sad episode.

he let matthew ride his dad's bike.

we all hung onto the edge of our sofa cushions during the 2009 modern classic, Fast & Furious.

it was a good year for ryan. here's hoping all of us live to see a million more together. happy birthday ryan. thinking of you.


Anonymous said...

How come Amare' looks so much like Shock G (aka Humpty Hump) from Digital Underground?

Brown Sugar said...

Does Ryan even read our blog?

******** said...

happy birthday RYAN!! -from baby "D"