Friday, October 12, 2007

Walker Texas Journal

First of all, let me just say that the USA network owns the market on daytime television, period. Why on earth would anyone need to watch any other channel from 8am to 4pm? USA has it all.
As for Walker today, it was a doozy, and it pretty much rewrote the whole history of the church. It all started when the gang of Rangers got involved in a fierce family history/genealogy session. After a while, they couldn't control themselves any longer and they decided that they had to tell the tale of one of Walker's ancestors. I think his name was Cooper, and he was from the exact same cut as Walker. They both love boots, hats, chaps, horses, and perfectly executed roundhouse kicks. The only noticeable difference between the two is their patrol territory. While Walker works the modern day Dallas streets and pastures, Cooper was all about marshaling the wild west. The differences stop there... in fact, Cooper and Walker looked exactly the same, and they executed their martial arts in exactly the same way, too. It felt like science to witness such awesome DNA being passed down through the generations.
But to make a 60 minute story short, I will get down to business. Cooper met up with a strange but charitable group of plains crossers, called Mormons. He defended them from vicious mobs of hillbillies, and he must have even found time to apply their make-up and to do their hair, because those pioneers looked good. Eventually he led them to the Salt Lake Valley, and then rode off into the wilderness, while all of the men and women stared at him longingly. Then the narrator sang a rockin' country tune about Cooper and the Mormons, which I'll be looking for in the next edition of the primary songbook.

In addition to the journal entry I'll try to include a Texas Ranger highlight clip. This one is brought to us via the worlds second biggest (second only to Ty's dad) Walker fan, Conan O'Brien. In this clip Walker does some substitute teaching at the school of Hard Knocks.


Brown Sugar said...

Matthew, how do you know that USA has the best television line up between 8am and 4pm? Watching Walker Texas Ranger, although awesome and manly, is not considered job searching. Unless you are going to become a martial arts instructor, write television reviews or go into law enforcement.

-your wife.

Adrianne said...

Do they show McGyver?? He still ranks high on the all-time favorite list.

Jessica said...

Freaking freaking hilarious. Where do you get this stuff? That guy (meaning Matthew) married into the right family, with all his humor capabilities.

Paige said...

brown sugar, your comment on Lenore's blog about my master charades character was so funny I peed a little.